10″ Wheel Direct Drive Wheel

Blast Wheel Well

Product Overview

The LS Gravity fed 10” Direct Drive Blast Wheel is designed for long life, optimum performance, versatility and simple maintenance.The LS impeller is capable of throwing abrasive at 240 feet per second. The blades and hub are balanced at the factory for minimal vibration and long life. The LS gravity fed impeller eliminates the need for an abrasive reclaim system and abrasive control valves, thereby reducing operating and maintenance costs for the shot blaster. The LS blast wheel is ideal for small machines.

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Technical Specifications

Overall Dimensions (L x W x H)

19″ x 9″ x 14″

Blade Size (L x W)

3″ x 2″

No. of Blades


Wheel Speed

3,600 RPM