Crankshaft Blasters

Product Overview

The LS Industries Crankshaft Blaster is a manual air blast system with a roller cart that can rotate the crankshaft inside the blast cabinet.  The system includes a work platform for 1 operator and single lance connected to the blast pot.  The system includes an elevator and auger for returning shot back to the pressure pot for continuous blasting.  This system allows the operator to control the blast profile on the crankshaft to get it clean without causing any damage.  The cart system makes it easy to handle crankshafts from 14” to 48” in diameter.

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Shot Adder


Shot Hopper


Maintenance Platform


Load Cart


Technical Specifications

Work Envelope/Part Size

14″-48″ OD Crankshafts

Overall Dimensions

35′ x 12’6″ x 10′ (w/load cart and platform)

Pressure Pot Capacity

6.5 cu. Ft.

No. of Lance/Operator


Dust Collector Std*