New Table Blaster and Washer Out for Delivery

LS Industries specializes in building machines that make companies more productive.  This customer purchased a shot blast table and a rotary table washer.  Both of them have an impressive 72″ diameter table.  These machines will significantly cut down on the amount of time employees spend getting difficult assemblies clean.

LSTB72The LS TB72 Table Blaster has a 10,000 lb weight capacity and uses 2 of our LS SureShot(TM) Direct Drive Blast Wheels with 10HP motors.






RWB72The LS RWB72 Rotary Table Washer has a 75 HP Gusher pump for the wash with a 525-gallon tank and reaches 140 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.  The system also includes a fresh water rinse.






We hope that our customer will have many successful years of operation on their new LS Equipment!

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